El Mercado de San Miguel

>> Sunday, May 9, 2010

If you’re ever wandering through the narrow streets of Madrid and stumble upon a structure with glass walls and an iron and wood roof, you’ve come across el Mercado de San Miguel. The marketplace, originally built in the early 1900’s, was reopened in May 2009 after private investors decided to return the building to its glory. The result? A bustling venue that houses the best Spanish food and ingredients.

During the day, its vendors sell their most beautiful produce, jamon (ham), cheese and pastries. But I liked to go during the evenings, when I could grab a glass of Rioja wine and wander from one stall to another, ordering tapas made from the freshest ingredients.

When you do make your way to Madrid and el Mercado de San Miguel, have a plate of Iberico ham, a glass of champagne with raw oysters, bacalao on bread or gambas al ajillo (shrimp with garlic).

Whatever you choose to eat, give yourself a few hours to spend at el Mercado de San Miguel. You will not be disappointed.

Queso (Spanish cheese)

Gambas al ajillo (garlic shrimp)

Jamón ibérico (Iberico ham)


dmtoporek May 10, 2010 at 6:04 PM  

i want to go! like now!!!

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