Tasting Poland at Lomzynianka

>> Sunday, June 27, 2010

I recently accompanied a food club to one of New York City’s best pierogi joints. We visited Lomzynianka in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, a small Polish restaurant that lightens the diners’ spirit with its abundance of streamers hanging on the ceiling and flower leis around a deer’s head.

Diners will know they are getting an authentic experience by peering into the kitchen, which looks more like a family’s kitchen in Lomza, Poland—the region that inspires many of the dishes—than a commercial one.

I shared my food with a fellow diner. We started off with the Pierogi Sampler, which offers a plate full of the dumplings (you can have them boiled or fried).

It would be a disappointment for anyone who visits this restaurant and doesn’t have them. Each pierogi bursts with flavor and didn’t exhibit the bland doughy taste that many restaurants settle for. Order the pierogies stuffed with potato and cheese, as well as the ones with meat; I found it hard to pick a favorite.

We also had the Polish Platter which included three more pierogies, kielbasa, stuffed cabbage, bigos and potatoes. While I visited the restaurant for the pierogies, the rich rustic taste of the stuffed cabbage was the highlight of the meal.

Better yet, the tab for two full diners was less than $20.

Polish Platter

Pierogi Sampler

(Photos taken from Yelp.com users)


The Diligent Diletante June 27, 2010 at 12:12 PM  

looks fabulous! never having had a pierogi in my life, i will now be on the lookout over here thanks to your blog! =)

Jessica Tuquero June 27, 2010 at 3:51 PM  

Thank you ;). I looked up some Polish restaurants in San Diego and Mazurka seems to be the one on top. If you ever try it, be sure to write about it on your blog! (http://www.yelp.com/biz/mazurka-restaurant-san-diego#query:polish%20restaurant)

Unknown June 28, 2010 at 6:14 PM  

hmm- too many perogies for my liking. I've never had polish cabbage, but i'll come try it with you sometime?

Jessica Tuquero June 30, 2010 at 4:09 PM  

yes! But during the winter. This restaurant would be better in the winter :)

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